Munich, 1st February 2022. Stefan Schneider, senior manager at bmp greengas GmbH for many years, becomes managing director of the pan-European biomethane marketer and subsidiary of Erdgas Südwest GmbH. Interim managing director Frank Erben will accompany him until further notice.
Stefan Schneider has been an integral staff member of bmp greengas GmbH since 2013. In the first seven years of his employment, he established sales operations in Germany and Europe. He additionally took over responsibility for purchasing in 2020. As Head of Sales & Purchasing, the sustainable growth of the company was his guiding principle.
“We are pleased that with Stefan Schneider we were able to find an experienced industry expert for this key position at bmp greengas.”, told Ralf Biehl, spokesman of the management board of Erdgas Südwest GmbH, shareholder of bmp greengas. “He knows the company, has a broad knowledge of green gases and has excellent contacts within the market.”
About bmp greengas GmbH
bmp greengas is a leading marketer of biomethane in Germany. bmp greengas develops individual solutions for the reliable transport, smooth balancing and fail-safe delivery of biomethane. The company manages the biogas register verification of the biomethane quantities and qualities when feeding into the natural gas network for its customers. It is a founding member of the biogas register of the German Energy Agency (dena). As a subsidiary of Erdgas Südwest, it is a company of the EnBW group.