bmp greengas | Logo Weiß

Active for the environment and animal protection

More biodiversity through
alpine pasture management

The concept

We care about the environment, which is why we actively engage in nature conservation. Through activities such as restoring valuable pastures and planting trees, we actively contribute to achieving climate goals and preserving biodiversity.

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The project

Our mission

At the Kotalm alp, near Brauneck in Lenggries, we will spend a day helping the local alpine farmers with the labour-intensive task of pasture management. Together we will maintain the meadows and remove unwanted bushes and shrubs from the pastures, making an important contribution to the preservation of this unique ecosystem.

Our work promotes biodiversity, as open alpine pastures provide an important habitat for many animals, insects, and plants. Without human intervention and use, valuable species are threatened with extinction.

Stay tuned for a documentation of our activities with photos that will be uploaded here.

bmp greengas | Illustration Baumpflanzaktion

Forest initiative